So of course it is September 11th, and everyone if focused on the topic of loss today, and it hits home (loss that is) for other reasons, so I thought I would delve into the subject a little. So first off, the subject of where people were on 9/11/2001 came up on a group I am in, and it yielded many interesting, powerful, painful, and revealing moments. I want to thank everyone who shared there (you know who you are) everyone was touched by that tragedy in different ways, and it honors the memories to recall them. I was about 4 months pregnant at the time, and it was very sobering to think of the awesome responsibility of raising a child in this dysfunctional world we live in, and what it means to bring another soul onto this planet....
Some of you may know, some may not, that in addition to doing all the art and dance and such, I am also an activities coordinator at an independent and assisted living facility. So certainly the art and dance and other interests tie into the job, but what I find the most rewarding is directly making a difference in people's lives and quality of life. However, inherent in the job is loss, as with an aging population people do come to the end of their journeys here, and it can be very difficult. I do have to say I feel blessed to have the chance to know these vibrant souls, who have lived entire liftetimes, and through decades of history that I can only read about. And there are always those certain individuals who find a special place in your heart, and when one of those kindred spirits passes on, it is a bittersweet time. There are two individuals who continued their journeys into other realms, but who definitely made a lasting impact on me, and they will be missed. The first was Norman, what a sweet and kind and gentle soul he was. A very intelligent man, originally an opthamologist by career, I knew and loved him for his love of art. He invited me to his apartment to show me his collection of clay work he had done, and showed off his wife's hand-knotted oriental rug she had made. He had such enthusiasm for making art, and his love for it was contagious. In teaching art to seniors, oftentimes I run into people with the attitude of "I can't.." and in their lifetimes these people lived through 2 world wars and the depression... there wasn't a lot of "let's just make art for arts sake" happening in their formative years, and that type of creative expression wasn't fostered or nurtured. So their attitude that they can't and fear of trying is understandable, but it is also a shame, and something I work hard to combat against, as their is great healing power in art. This attitude was entirely missing in Norman, he was enthusiastic and invigorated by working on his art, and he encouraged everyone in the classes, he made art with a passion. It was with great shock and sadness that I learned of his passing, he had not outwardly appeared ill at all, and his death was sudden, a surprise to the wife and family he left behind. It has been a few months now since Norman passed, but I cannot go in our crafts room without thinking of him, and his wonderful spirit.
And then there was Abbey, full of piss and vinegar, one of the strongest women I could ever hope to meet, Abbey died yesterday, at age 102. She was amazing! Abbey was also an artist, she made amazing collages and sculptures, and in her younger years studied working in clay in Mexico. She was a woman after my own heart, she decorated everything! She would fabric cover her shoeboxes, and collage on things and even her tape dispensers were decorated with pretty paper. She also was a poet, and did poetry readings when her eyes were still good enough to see. I had the occasion to go to her apartment and read through some of her poetry, and see her collages. As a poet and artist myself, I felt a kindred connection to Abbey, but that isn't where it ends, she was also a dancer! I was enchanted to hear her stories and read her playbills and newspaper articles from when she was a dancer with Isadora Duncan! I feel blessed to have had that chance to know her, if only briefly during her long stay on this planet. It is my belief that she and Norman have just continued on in their journeys to other realms and I wish them wonderful times ahead, but I will miss you dearly
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