Saturday, January 24, 2009

This New Year

So far this I am not quite sure what to make of this New Year... Last year on this blog I was trying unsuccessfully to write often and tell of my adventures, and then I found that with so much adventuring it was hard to find time to write.. so I am not sure what type of shape this year will take in my life, and how that will outwardly manifest in different realms including the cyber one.. but we shall see. So what has been going on of note? Well of course of note to the whole world this past week was the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. The influx of energy surrounding this is palpable, and it is amazing to be able to witness history in the making. America seems once again a country filled with hope and possibility, even in these very troubling and difficult financial times. Also of note to literary people this past week was the bicentennial of Edgar Allan Poe's birthday (January 19th, 1809). There was a movement here in Boston to reclaim Poe as it's native son, and Mayor Menino even named a place to be Edgar Allan Poe square. I had the good fortune to attend some of the Poe festivities at BC with my mum, who is a BC alum. Through circumstance of chance at the first evening of lectures I had the pleasure of sitting next to the actor and film maker Brent Fidler, who was brought to Boston from Vancouver to premier his film Poe The Last Days of the Raven It was a wonderful film, and dvds are available on his website. I am extremely pleased to announce that I am having an article published in Faerie Magazine, so that is very exciting! I have Kim, Be and Yama at Faerie Magazine to thank, it has been really cool to see my name in print! To have my article in this issue in particular was especially cool as my good friend and fabulous artist Matt Hawk is the artist who is featured in the Five Questions article. Since I had an article in I was able to sneak peak before the issue went to print and it looks fabulous. Kudos to Matt! He is a phenomenal artist and you can check out his work on his website Great Scot Productions With the coming of the New Year comes the sorting through of the previous year, shifting and re prioritizing what is important and vital in my life. One thing I have done so far in the New Year which I am determined to continue is getting back into yoga practice, it has been a great way to center myself and lovely to be in those super heated rooms when it is so frigid out. I find that life is a balancing act, and certainly as a single mom, artist and dancer, with a full time job and lots of goals and ambitions, sometimes I can get a little off the beam as far as balance is concerned, trying to do too many things at once. One thing I find difficult is trying to manage all of this online realm, very hard to keep up with it all, and so easily I am sucked down the super highway and it has a kind of faerie like quality in feeling like no time is passing and yet I emerge from the cyber realms to find hours gone by.. so on that note I am going to extract myself from this cyber-reality and go paint!